Colpus Family Home, 17 Goldsmith Road, Claremont


Jarrah weatherboard bungalow with red corrugated iron roof. House, with verandahs on all sides, has a central, light painted front door, flanked on one side by a full length sash window and on the other by French doors. Verge, street tree, public footpath and central path leading to steps to front verandah in foreground.

Historical information

The timber-framed, jarrah weatherboard and corrugated iron, two bedroomed bungalow was built c1900. It was purchased from the Barrett Hill family in 1924 by H.C. Colpus who lived there until 1969. Built on the crest of a hill, facing south, the wide verandahs and high ceilings kept it cool, especially when the sea breeze came in across Freshwater Bay. Initially there were views of the river from the front and west and the gravel road from Victoria Avenue only went as far as this house. Two large Norfolk Is. pines grew in the front lawn on either side of a central path. The backyard contained the usual lemon and fig trees and 'chook' yard. Wood was used for heating and cooking and a Coolgardie Safe on the verandah kept butter and milk cool. The only brick building was the pan toilet adjoining the outside wash house. In the 1930s the Lounge room was used by a kindergarten run by Betty Colpus. The house was sold and demolished in 1970.



Registration number
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Print mounted on sheet paper with floor plan and title [NO. 17 GOLDSMITH RD./CLAREMONT/ -THE COLPUS FAMILY HOME - 1924-1969].


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Claremont Museum

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Colpus Family Home
17 Goldsmith Road, Claremont
Source: Claremont Museum 06.62

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