Gugeri Family, Queenslea Drive, Claremont


A woman, two girls and a young boy walking on rough path beside a white paling fence with decorative posts and capping. Small street trees and lamp post.

Historical information

Born in 1845 in London, died 1930 at Beaconsfield, Perth, Western Australia. Educated at St Mary's College, Woolhampton and also at Como, Italy. Studied to become a civil engineer. Married Catherine Jane Jackson 1873, who died in 1889. In 1871 he rented 16 acres as a vineyard holder at Swan, now known as Houghton. In 1885 he held a sale by auction of 38 acres of land at Claremont, netting him a profit of 300 pounds. He married his second wife, Belinda Mary Morris in 1890. He became a wine merchant until 1893. Children by his first wife Catherine were Maria, Ida, Catherine Rose Mary, Anthony Denis, Cecilia Mary Agnes, Francis, Mabel, Felix Patrick Bernard. Children by his second wife were Barbara, Eileen Mary, Dorothy, Dominic Joseph Aloysuis, Leo Edward Divers, Vincent Louis, Deborah and Mary Lane.



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Caption [ Queenslea Drive. Claremont 26/1/19].


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Claremont Museum

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Gugeri Family, Butler's Swamp
Gugeri Family
Butler's Swamp
Source: Claremont Museum 07.210b

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