Shire of Capel > Records

Old Boyanup School

c. 1923

Black and white image of a brick and timber construction. The building features high windows and two chimneys. The building is framed by woodlands, and a decorative garden can be seen in the foreground.

Historical information

The Boyanup State School was located on the South Western Highway in Boyanup. The first room was constructed in 1898 and a second room added in 1912. The old school was closed in 1970.
Upon its opening in 1898 the school mistress was Mrs Eliza Clively, who, according to the 'Southern Times', managed to earn "golden opinions from the little ones and their parents" (see link to article below).



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Historic significance
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Ron Maidment Archives
Shire of Capel

Shire of Capel

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Old Boyanup School

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