Shire of Capel > Records

Order of Australia Investiture of Jack Kitchen at Government House


Colour photograph showing Jack Kitchen with other attendees at Government House for his investiture with the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM).
Shown in the photograph (L to R): Bill Scott, Ronnie Scott, Mary Kitchen, Jack Kitchen, Val Sanders, Julian Sanders, Gwenda Smith.

Historical information

Jack Kitchen was awarded the Order of Australia Medal at Government House in May 2005. Jack's father Samuel is an ex-miner and soldier who took up land east of Boyanup in the 1920s, and married Sylvia Mahlberg. Jack remained in the district as a farmer and was recognised by the Local Government Association of WA for his contribution to the community. (Summarised from 'Just a Horse Ride Away' by Chase and Krantz).



Registration number
Item type
15 cm
Height or length
10 cm
Inscriptions and markings

Written on the back of the photo: "Investiture Gov House May 05; Bill Scott, Ronnie Scott, me, Jack, Val Sanders, Julian Sanders, Gwenda Smith"

Contextual Information

"In the Australian honours system appointments to the Order of Australia confer recognition for outstanding achievement and service.
The Medal of the Order of Australia is awarded for service worthy of particular recognition." (

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Public Location
Ron Maidment Archives, Capel Library
Shire of Capel

Shire of Capel

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Jack Kitchen investiture
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