Shire of Capel > Records

Sheep spraying at 'Green Patch'

c. 1962 - 1964

Colour photograph showing Fred Harewood and son Bevan Harewood in the process of spraying sheep. The photo was taken at the northeast corner of a paddock known as 'Green Patch' on their Boyanup farm, which is partially underwater.

Historical information

The photograph is accompanied by a typed document with background information provided by the donor:
"I believe Jack Money of South Bunbury owned the land before World War 2 and sold it to Arthur Trigwell, my grandfather, after the war. He had a small cabin at the end of Harewood Road next to the end of Muddy Lake where he spent his week days clearing by hand. (His farm was on Boundary Road between Lourie Rd and Norman Rd. Boyanup. Harewood's dairy farm was at the end of Norman Rd.) Fred Harewood bought the property from his Father in Law in the mid 50's and also acquired 900 acres of land along side the western boundary to the beach. Making a total of approx 300 acres.
The block included Bunbury's Withers in the north, Dallyelup and south to Billy Scott's farm.
As a young lad one of my tasks was to cover the whole area on horseback tracking stray sheep and cattle."



Registration number
Item type
17.5000 cm
Height or length
12.5000 cm
Place made
Shire of Capel, Western Australia, Australia
Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Public Location
Ron Maidment Archives, Capel Library
Shire of Capel

Shire of Capel

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Sheep spraying

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