Monster Patriotic Demonstration ticket - 9 April 1918


Buff coloured ticket with blue writing and details.It is in poor condition, with several tears and creases. It is attached to a white backing card to keep it together.

On the left hand side, there is a bordered panel containing the words 'EXHIBITION BUILDING' , an Art Deco style logo of woman's head, and the date and time.The remainder of the ticket gives details about who convened the meeting and why it is being held. It also lists the names of the office bearers and gives a telephone number and address.

Historical information

The Argus – Tuesday 9 April 1918

To-night's Meeting.
To-night a monster demonstration will be held in the Exhibition Building in order to show the great force of public opinion which is behind the protests that have already been made against disloyalty to the Empire.
The Citizens' Loyalist Committee has made complete arrangements for the demonstration. Members of Parliament and other public men, together with leaders of religious thought and prominent citizens, will deliver addresses.
Those who attend should do well to bear in mind the suggestion of Dr. Alex. Leeper to carry a small Union Jack.
Tickets of admission may be obtained at the United National Federation. 395 Collins street; the Australian Women's National League, 140 Collins street; the People's Liberal Party, The Block, Collins street; and the Bimbah Empire Union, Temple Court.
The demand for tickets has been so great that the committee is making arrangements for an overflow meeting in the arena should the night be propitious.
The entrance will be as follows:
(1.) South door, facing Victoria street
(2.) Mills door, facing Nicholson street, opposite (Gertrude street.
(3.) Arena- entrance, Nicholson street, farther north than main entrance,
(4.) Arena entrance, Rathdown street, northern gate.
A feature of the proceedings, apart from the speeches, will be choral singing by a choir of from four to five hundred voices.
A double band will also be in attendance to lead in the singing of the National Anthem and other patriotic airs. Dr. Floyd is to act as honorary conductor of the choir, and Dr. Price as honorary organist.
There are to be three platforms in the main building, and three sets of speakers. These will be situated in the east, west, and north aisles, respectively. Should occasion demand it, there will be others in the arena, at the grandstand and bandstand, respectively.
It is particularly requested that the audience will assemble as early as possible, in order to avoid confusion. The doors will open at half-past 6 p.m., and the musical items will continue from 7 until 8 o'clock.
At 8 p.m. precisely the formal proceedings will begin. It is proposed to put the resolutions from all platforms at exactly the same time.
A complete programme will be handed to every person present. The proceedings are timed to end at 10 p.m.
The motions to be submitted are as follows:-
"That this meeting of Melbourne citizens declares its unswerving devotion to the person and throne of His Majesty King George V and at this moment, when the men of our race are dying for freedom by thousands in the most stupendous battle known to history, this meeting affirms its passionate loyalty to the ideal for which their sacrifice has been made, and to that Empire which throughout Australia's existence has secured her in liberty, honour, and prosperity, and which now stands before the world as the champion of civilisation and of all that makes it precious to mankind."
"That this meeting records its keen gratification that the Commonwealth Government has created fresh powers for the suppression of disloyal utterances, demonstrations and emblems, and hopes that, in the highest interests of Australia, there will be swift and drastic action should the offence be repeated. The meeting also affirms its conviction that the vast majority of Australians are loyal to their country and to the motherland, and would eagerly support the Government in any measures taken against traitors who are striving for the disruption of the Empire, on which Australia's life and liberty depend."
Meeting at Malvern.
The mayor of Malvern (Councillor E. L. Thompson), at the request of numerous citizens has called a meeting, to be held in the Malvern Town Hall), on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The speakers will be Sir Robert Best, M.H.R., Mr. Greenwood, M.L.A., Mr. Herbert Brooks, and Mr. Archibald T. Strong.
Sir-Dr. Leeper suggests the carrying of small flags at the patriotic meeting at the Exhibition Building. The suggestion is an excellent one, but large numbers of people will arrive without flags. If flags are on sale at the gates, thousands of people will buy them, and thus add to the funds, as well as to the spectacular effect. Yours, &c., April 8. J.K.M.



Registration number
115 mm
Height or length
77 mm
Inscriptions and markings


9th April, 1918
at 8 p.m."

"Convened by the Citizens' Loyalist Committee"

Patriotic Demonstration"

"To support the federal Government in its action
against Sinn Fein and other Disloyal Movements"



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Monster Patriotic Demonstration ticket - 9 April 1918
Monster Patriotic Demonstration ticket - 9 April 1918

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