
Iron or steel mill with two honeycomb patterned rollers attached to a series of cogs and wheels within a black metal frame.
A curved metal handle is attached to the LHS and this has a timber handle.
A metal tray is attached under the rollers and there is another handle/roller out the front with a timber roller.

Historical information

Associated with the Cook family, who had established an apiary at Coondle in the Toodyay district by 1902.



Registration number
Item type
540 mm
Height or length
275 mm
Inscriptions and markings

THE A.I.R.?. O. T 00. MEDINA O.U.S.A.

Contextual Information

The comb foundation mill is used for embossing plain and pure beeswax sheets with the exact cell outline of the honeycomb for fixing into the frames of a beehive.
Such embossed comb foundation sheets form a base for the bees to build up new combs, without them having to use their own resources to produce them from scratch.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
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Related Objects

Shire of Toodyay

Shire of Toodyay

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