
A small cylindrical tin with a pop top lid.
Enamelled in colour with red gum flowers and leaves, stylised honeycomb and a bee.
The rear of the tin is painted with a yellow background with green and red writing.

Historical information

Associated with the Cook family, who had established an apiary at Coondle in the Toodyay district by 1902.



Registration number
Item type
157 mm
Height or length
143 mm
Inscriptions and markings

The symbol H/ is on the side.
Writing on back of tin: "Honey is an ideal breakfast food. Use it for one or more of these: Grapefruit- prepare grapefruit and drizzle honey over cut sections. Let stand overnight. Cereals- drizzle over cereals or sweeten warm milk with honey. Porridge - place honey in plate before serving porridge and mix, or drizzle over top after serving. Toast- honey is the ideal spread for toast. Pancakes- nothing is nicer than honey with pancakes or waffles. Cut lunches- mix honey with peanut butter, dates, figs, raisins, chopped apples or mashed bananas. Candied or creamed honey alone makes an excellent lunch spread. For summer delicious if served cold. Honey may crystallise, or candy, when left for a time, but this does not affect the quality. Many prefer it in this solid, non-running form. To liquefy, place container in hot water (not above 60 deg. C.) and keep at this temperature until all trace of granulation has disappeared. Cool as quickly as possible to preserve flavour. (If you have no thermometer, test temperature of water with fingers. You should be able to hold fingers in water for four seconds."
Below the second panel of writing is a white rectangle with a red border and faded red writing "Wescobee/ light amber/ packed by the W.A. Hoeny Pool/ Perth Reg. No. 579 Australia".
Below this sign, in tiny green print, it says "NATIONAL CAN" in a green border. W.A Honey Pool later amalgamated with Wescobee Honey

Contextual Information

Western Australian beekeepers created the WA Honey Pool in 1924 in order to offer an alternative avenue to market their produce which was, until that time, sold under merchant (buyers) brand names.
Within a few years, a plant had been constructed on the site of the Westralian Farmers Co-Op headquarters.
A competition to obtain a suitable name to “brand” the honey was conducted through the newspapers with the result that “Wescobee” brand was decided. The new brand name was made up of the words West Australian Co-operative Beekeepers.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Shire of Toodyay

Shire of Toodyay

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