Bay View Mansions
Long stone building with archway in square central entry porch at ground level with curved wall above with three windows. There are five chimneys along the ridge of the roof with roof vents and a sign [BAY VIEW MANSIONS] in the centre. A low stone wall, footpath, tree with wooden guard around it and unsealed road in front of the building. An open tourer car is parked on the road, with two ladies in light dresses and hats standing beside it.
Built in 1896 as Matheson's Terrace for Alexander Perceval Matheson. The architect was Archer William Hoskings (1868 - 1912). Converted to flats as Bay View Mansions, in 1924 with infill of the balconies. Restored and returned to individual houses in 1983-84. Commonly known in Claremont as 'The Mansions'.
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Acknowledgements to be made to 'Claremont Museum 98.309'.
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16 Victoria Avenue, Claremont
Source: Claremont Museum 98.309
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