
Puce coloured paper back publication, pages held in place by two staples on the fold. Cover has black text and three stylised menora flanking a centrally located swan in a circle.

Historical information

School book used by Vernon Marsh at the Armadale State School in 1930.It was printed by the Government Printer, and was specially arranged for Class III in Western Australian Schools by Inspector J A Klein 1928.
Vernon was born in Kelmscott in 1916 to Robert and Ellen Marsh. He was the youngest of six children.
Vernon remember sbeing driven to school in a horse and sulkie until he was old enough to ride to school on his bike. Vernon comleted his schooling in 1931 age 15 as there was no high school in the local area for him to attend. On finishing school he went to work for his father on the family farm in Wungong.
In 1941 he joined the Royal Australian Air Force as a flight mechanic and was stationed in the Eastern States for most of World War II. During the war he married Dulcie and their first child Velma was born. In 1946 Vernon, Dulcie and Velma returned to Armadale eventually settling down at William Street. Vernon was able to get a job at the Byford Naval Depot where he worked until his retirement in 1978.



Registration number
Item type
128 mm
Height or length
181 mm
5 mm
Inscriptions and markings

Text on front cover [THE - SWAN / HISTORY / FOR / CLASS V / t 2317/26]

Statement of significance

This item is part of a collection that tells the story of going to school in the City of Armadale from the late 1800s through to modern day. The collection aims to show how these experiences have either changed or stayed the same over time. The collection is also part of a wider collection that focuses on the stories and experiences of how children have grown up in the City of Armadale.

Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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