B2 Boiler House

c. 1922

It is likely that this purpose-built Boiler House was constructed in 1922 to house the new Lancaster Boiler which was used to power the Butter Factory machinery. This building replaced the previous Boiler House, which was located near the south-west corner of the main building.

The Boiler House was originally a simple, single, rectangular room, which during its operational period had a wide, open lean-to along the eastern side. The original room has a timber frame with square-edged weatherboards to the external walls. Above the eaves, the gable ends have fibrous cement and batten cladding. The roof has been reclad with Zincalume sheeting and the sides of the curved-roofed ridge ventilator have been clad with horizontal corrugated metal sheeting. On the southern side of the building, the weatherboards frame the back of the brick furnace, which is linked to the Smoke Stack by a brick flue.

The Boiler House houses a Lancashire Boiler which was purchased for the butter factory in c. 1923. This boiler features two large bore flues, with a furnace at each entrance. The brick setting around the boiler was specifically designed to duct the hot gases downwards, beneath the boiler and then back along the sides, before they were channelled out through the stack. If you go outside to the back of this building you can view how the smoke stack is attached to the boiler.

The steel pipes that channelled the steam to the main factory building can be seen rising up from the top of the boiler, turning in a loop to the west, and then heading north to exit through the gable front of the former Boiler House.



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butter factory busselton
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The Boiler House building
The Boiler House building
Lancaster Boiler
The Lancaster Boiler

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