B6 John Cannam Shed

c. 1990

The “John Cannam” Shed (or Museum workshop) is not open to the public. It is the beating heart of the Museum where members strive to restore precious items to some semblance of their former glory. It is a busy workshop manned by a dedicated band of workers who are worth their weight in gold.

Historical information

In the early 1990’s when the Busselton Historical Society required a covered workshop to complete the restoration of the Sabina Wagon, they contracted Brown & Joy to build this workshop on the location of an old asbestos shed which had been removed.



Registration number
Item type
Contextual Information

This shed was named after John Cannam who was one of the most dedicated workers seen by the Museum and was also widely known in the community. As a young man he was injured in a workplace accident which made him wheelchair bound for the rest of his life. He did not allow this disability stop his enthusiasm for life and the things he loved. He was a dedicated small engine man and his main love was lawnmowers, of which he had a large collection. He not only worked on small engines in the Museum workshop but was also the President of the Busselton Historical Society for many years. In the community he was invaluable to the local Governing body in working with them to improve disabled access to many areas of Busselton. John died in 2016 and is sadly missed by the Society and the community.

Primary significance criteria
Social or spiritual significance
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Busselton Historical Society

Busselton Historical Society

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Members at work in front of the John Cannam Shed
Members at work in front of the John Cannam Shed
A young John Cannam hard at work restoring a piece of machinery

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