St Patrick's Church


A sepia postcard of St Patrick's Catholic church. The photograph shows the right hand side of the church, it is a brick building with a tin roof. There are four air vents on the roof. There are five arched windows on the right side, and the church vestibule has two small windows and a white cross. Above the vestibule are three arched windows and a white cross. The church is built in gothic style with casement windows. There is a cross on each end of the roof of the church. In front of the church is a wooden railing fence.

Historical information

St Patrick's Catholic Church was built in 1926 and rebuilt in 1962.



Registration number
Item type
14 cm
Height or length
9 cm
Inscriptions and markings

At the bottom of the postcard in the centre is written 'Roman Catholic Church. Katanning. W.A. Published by Richardson & Co. M.4552'

On the back of the postcard is written 'Postcard Correspondence Addressee' and in the top right hand corner a square with the words 'Kodak' at the top and bottom and the words 'Australia' on the sides. This square marks the position to put a stamp.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance

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Attribution requirements

Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.

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