Memorial & Railway Station, Katanning

c. 1930 - 1940

A sepia photograph on a postcard showing three men in suits, hats and long trousers standing in front of a statue smoking. Behind the men is a wooden seat and behind the seat is a white picket fence. The picket fence forms a ramp and appears to head downwards. Beyond the picket fence are railway tracks and a brick building which is on a raised platform. The building has a tin roof. There are two men standing on the platform and behind them is another picket fence and two water tanks. Behind the picket fence on the platform are six timber logs and a large tin building further in the background.

Historical information

This postcard shows the statue of Frederick Henry Piesse (F.H. Piesse), which was unveiled in June 1916 and the underground subway from Austral Terrace to the Railway platform. According to Great Southern Herald newspaper articles the water tanks on the platform were on either side of the subway entrance. There was an entrance from each side of the memorial statue and one exit on the platform. The subway allowed people to get to the station without crossing the lines on the west side of the station. This underground subway was built in approximately 1910, there were several times when the subway was flooded or partially collapsed due to heavy rain and in August 1953 was finally filled in.



Registration number
Item type
14 cm
Height or length
9 cm
Inscriptions and markings

Below the photograph in black lettering is "MEMORIAL & RAILWAY STATION KATANNING W.A. PUBLISHED BY RICHARDSON & CO. M.4546".

On the back of the postcard is printed in black lettering "Post Card" and then underneath in two columns is "Correspondence Address Only" and in the top right hand corner a square with the words "Kodak" at the top and bottom and the words "Austral" on the sides. This square marks the position to put a stamp.

Contextual Information

This is an important photo showing the Railway subway from Austral Terrace to the Railway station.

Public Location

Please contact the Katanning Historical Society for reproduction of image or for access to a higher resolution image.

Attribution requirements

Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.

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Memorial & Railway Station, Katanning
Back of postcard of Memorial & Railway Station, Katanning

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