
Rectangle paper poster, red across the third, white bottom two thirds with a mixture of white, red and black text. Bottom right corner is the blue, red, green swishes City of Armadale corporate logo with address bottom left corner. Text in white on red at top third [YES WE ARE / OPEN]. A wavy line made up of the City of Armadale corporate colours, red, blue and green separates the red section from the white. Text in red [History House Museum], text in black [This facility is open to a maximum of 50 people at a time. / for the safety of the community and our staff we ask you follow the social distancing / guides and hygiene standards advised by the State and Federal Governments: / - You must wear a mask. / - Please keep a 1.5m distance between yourself and other people. / - Follow hygiene standards by correctly washing and sanitizing your hands. / - If you are feeling unwell or have flu like symptoms, please seek medical advice and please do not enter this facility.] White text in a rectangle red box under this outlining why these guidelines are in place.

Historical information

On Sunday 31 January 2021 the Western Australian Government announced that the Perth metropolitan area and the Peel and South West regions were moving into a five day lock down followed by a seven day period when people in the Perth metropolitan region would be required to wear masks when outside of their homes. The City of Armadale issues the KN95 masks for all staff and volunteers to wear when working at the City. Visitors to the museum in that week were also required to wear a mask. The sign was used at the museum from Monday February 8 to Sunday 12:01am on February 14.



Registration number
Item type
297 mm
Height or length
420 mm
Inscriptions and markings

[CITY OF Armadale]

Statement of significance


Primary significance criteria
Artistic or aesthetic significance
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Object’s condition or completeness
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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