c. 1970

A square cardboard sheet with white text and images on the front and blue text and images on the back. On the front top left corner there is the brand name [snappi] with text [Happy Babies] with a picture of a baby lying on it's back in between [Happy] and [Babies]. Underneath [Babies] is small text [T.M]. Underneath this text is a blue shape of a cloud with white text [For / quicker, / easier nappy / changes.]. On the bottom right is large white text [Nappy / Fastener]. On the front of the card is soft plastic rods that form a T shape with rings on the ends with hooks. On back of the card is a blue rectangle. In the top left of this rectangle is blue text [SIMPLE AS...] next to this text is a dashed circle with text inside [ONE SIZE FITS ALL]. In the middle of this text is three images that are instructions on how to use the T shape on the front of the card. Underneath the first image is a blue [1] and next to this is blue text [HOOK LEFT]. Underneath the second picture is a blue [2] next to this is blue text [STRETCH AND / HOOK RIGHT]. Underneath the third image is a blue [3] next to this is blue text [THEN CENTRE]. Underneath the rectangle on the right side is blue text [For best results, stretch before use.]. Underneath this text is a blue rectangle shape with white text [snappi] underneath this rectangle shape is blue text [Happy Babies] in between the [Happy] and [Babies] is an image of a baby lying on it's back. Underneath this is blue text [Keep out of reach of children / when not in use.]. Underneath this blue text with manufacturing information. Underneath this text is a blue bar code with blue numbers [9314569000014] underneath. Next to the the blue text is a image of a baby lying on it's back. Above the baby is a thought bubble with text [Safe, / quick and / easy to use.] Under the text is a blue line. On the bottom left corner there is a series of footprints that reach from next to the bar code to the edge of the card in line with the image of the baby.

Historical information

This object was bought by Pam Herbert in the late 1960s from Hasties General Drapery Store in Jull Street. The fastener was designed to help fasten a cloth baby nappy. Pam for some reason did not use this fastener on her children's nappies. The nappy dstner was designed as a labour saving device and first appeared in the 1950s. Pam not only shoped at Hasties but also worked at the store during this time.



Registration number
118 mm
Height or length
141 mm
Inscriptions and markings

Manufacturing information[growcare / GROW CARE PTY LTD. / P.O. box 545, Alderley / Qld 4051 Australia / Aust. Parent 606680 World Patent Pending].

Statement of significance

This object is part of a collection that represents how technology has evolved over time and how those changes have impacted on daily life. These changes can relate to common professions or jobs that have either disapeared or appeared i.e. Blacksmiths or electricians. They can relate to how technology has made jobs or tasks easier or more convienient i.e. doing the washing by hand vs an electric washing machine.

Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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