Orchard record book

1905 - 1914

Black register book with lined paper.
A record of the date, amount and price received were kept for a range of fruit. Each category of fruit had a cover page and then separate pages for each variety. Fruit listed were oranges, mandarins, lemons, almonds, plums, pears, apples. Then fruit are listed on individual pages; mulberries, nectarines, apricots, peachs (sic), loquats, currants black, currants white, currants red, walnuts, chestnuts, filberts, raspberries, cherries, miscellaneous fruit, vines, strawberries, passion fruit, figs, rhubarb, persimon, quince. These pages keep a record of the varieties grown, sold. Entries date from: May 1905 until August 1914.

Historical information

The Michel family kept a record of the fruit produced and sold on their property 'Southernwood', in present-day Southern River, during the early 1900s. Entries start in May 1905 and there are entries up until August 1914.
The property had about 100 fruit trees that the family harvested and sold at market. Joseph and Florence Michel were the first owners of the Southernwood orchard, located in present-day Southern River area. This book is likely to have been created by Florence as she was known to work the orchard while Joseph sought other work (often on the goldfields around Kalgoorlie/Coolgardie) to supplement the family's income from the property.
The record book shows the typical income of many families in the early Gosnells District. Many properties in the area had small orchards to supplement their income from other sources, including market gardens. The book demonstrates the successes and failures of working class families who were dependent on the seasons and it shows which years were more profitable than others, being records over a period of 9 years.



Registration number
Item type
125 mm
Height or length
200 mm
Inscriptions and markings

At the back of the book is a list record of dates, names and amounts collected. There is also a shopping list. On the back page: From Miss Grace Michel, Gosnells, West Australia. To Robur Tea Company, Melbourne [South Australia?]. 100 tickets. The book is tagged J.M. & F.J. Michel Southernwood, Gosnells Orchard Record Book. Mrs E. M. Williams

Contextual Information

The varieties listed in the book are part of WA's horticultural heritage and in some instances may not be grown anywhere in the state.Oranges: Washington Navel, Valencia Late, Parramatta, Mediterranean Sweet, St Micheal, Jaffa, Homosassa. Mandarins: Beauty of Glen, Emperor, Thorny. Lemons: Lisbon True Portugal, Villa Franca. Almonds: I.X.L, Ne Plus Ultra, Herriol Commercial, Jordan, Common, Burbank, Peerless, Brandis Jordan, Harriots Seedling. Lums: Greengage, Damson, Japanese Plum, Mirabelle, King of Dansons, Damoon Early River, Wright Early, Gold, Sharp Early, Hickson, Abundance, Kelsey, October Purple. Pears: Winter Nellis, Beurre D'Amanlis, Louise Bomee de Jersey, Marie Louise, W. Bon Chretun, Mound Vernon, Winter Wilis.Apple: Cleopatra, Jonathan, Api, Golden Russch, Sharp's Early, Granny Smith, Gravenstein Rouge, Commerce, Reinette du Canada.Cider: Medaille, Jersey Chisel, Canning Norman. Mulberries: English, Black. Nectarines: Early river, Stanwick, goldmine, Newby, Red Roman, Lord Napier. Apricots: Oullin's Early Peach, Hemskirke, Early Golden, Riverside, Warwick, Early Newcastle. Peaches: Alexander Early, Royal George, Early Sneed, Carman, Sweed, Baltet, Habe's Early, Wright Early, Dunhelm. Loquats: Victory, Quick's Early, Herb Mammoth.Currants: black champion, Lee's Pacific, Black Carter Champion.Currants (White) La Versaillaise, Fay's prolific, white Dutch. Currents (Red): Imperial, Dutch, New Pamona. Walnuts: chalerte, Chestnuts: Spanish Filberts: Gosfords, Webb Exhibition. Raspberries: Northumberland Filbasket, Belle du fonternay. Cherries: Florence, Margaret, Black Bohemian, Bigarease Twyford. Miscellaneous Fruits: Loganberry, Kumquat, Tomato Tree, Plantain bananas. Vines: Worthy Hall, Flame Tokay, Black Prince, Black Hamburg, Chasselas de Negrepond, Gordo Blanco, Madriessfiled Court Black. Strawberries: Marguerite, Edith, Sir Joseph Paxton. Figs: Adriatic white, Brown Turkey, White Genoa, Black Provence, White Ischia. Rhubarb: Topp winter, Early Albert. Persimmon: Yemon, Tsuro ANagari, Seedless. Quince: de Bourgeaut, Pineapple, Smyrna, Missoury Mammoth, Van De Man.

Place made

Southern River area
Statement of significance

This book draws it significance as being the most comprehensive orchard record held within the City of Gosnells Collection. The only other record is a few pages by Thomas Blake Snr in 1922-26 for a different property. This book provides an important record of the range and variations of fruit, some of which are no longer found in WA, grown in the local area during the early 20th Century. It demonstrates an important source of supplementary income for the family, one which was typical for many at the time.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Scientific or research significance
Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Object’s condition or completeness
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
City of Gosnells Museum - Wilkinson Homestead

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