ROOM 1.25 Bedroom and Nursery
1918Room 25 of the Old Butter Factory was part of the original first floor area of the Butter Factory constructed in 1918. The 1917 plans indicate that it was the original cream ripening room. Access to it was from the Box Store housed in Room 24.
When a larger cream ripening room was built next door in the 1927 expansion this room became a store room. At some stage in the mid twentieth century, probably following the 1944 fire, Rooms 24 and 25 were reconstructed under a new gabled roof.
A casement window is located along the north wall which replaced the original 1918 casement window. Beneath this window, the timber ledge over the top of the ground floor brick wall has been adapted as a window seat.
The Busselton Historical Society now call this the Bedroom and Nursery and the displays showcase bedroom and nursery artefacts that date back to the early settlement times.