Baseball WA > Records

1969 Mickle Medal awarded to Dale Hughes - Claxton Shield Series


The leaf-shaped medallion is made of 9-carat gold with a chain loop and attached ring at the top. A central shield-shape on the obverse is engraved with the name of the medal. Bordering the sides of the shield are sprays of leaves, with a crosshatch-patterned, semi-triangular shape below. The reverse is engraved with the name of the recipient and where and when it was awarded. It is also stamped with the manufacturer's name and the carat unit.

Historical information

The Mickle Medal is named after Dave Mickle, who was a great Western Australian baseball player in the 1930s and 1940s and later a Western Australian baseball administrator. It is awarded to the most valuable player in a baseball team representing Western Australia.

In 1961 Dale Hughes was selected in the Western Australian State baseball team as a catcher, to compete in the Australian Baseball Championships for the Claxton Shield. This was followed by six more consecutive State team selections in 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966 and 1967. In 1968 he took a break from baseball and returned to playing cricket. However, a year later he resumed his baseball career and was again selected in the Western Australian team, to compete in the Claxton Shield Series held in Melbourne. Following the series, Hughes was awarded the 1969 Mickle Medal as the 'most valuable player' in the team.



Registration number
Item type
2.7000 cm
Height or length
3.5000 cm
Inscriptions and markings

'Mickle Medal for WA Baseball'

'Won by Dale Hughes 1969'

[Manufacture details]
'9ct Hawke'

Contextual Information

The medal was donated to the Baseball WA Museum & Archives by the family of Dale Hughes, an outstanding baseball player and coach, who represented Western Australia and Australia. Following the conclusion of each Australian championship, an all-Australian team was selected, and Hughes earned selection in 1963, 1965 and in 1969, when he competed in the Tri-Nations Goodwill Baseball Series in the Philippines.

Place made
Statement of significance

The Mickle Medal is of historic and social significance as an award for the most valuable player in a Western Australian State baseball team. It is a fine example and comes with impeccable provenance.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Object’s condition or completeness
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
Baseball WA

Baseball WA

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Dale Hughe's 1969 Mickle Medal (obverse)
1969 Mickle Medal awarded to Dale Hughes - Melbourne Claxton Shield Series (obverse).
Dale Hughe's 1969 Mickle Medal (reverse)
1969 Mickle Medal awarded to Dale Hughes - Melbourne Claxton Shield Series (reverse).

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