c. 1924

Small tin badge with blue, white and dark brown image on the front featuring Lady Katherine Campion, wife of the Governor, Patroness of Perth Hospital. The front is clear and unscratched. The back is tarnished and the pin is bent. The badge was sold as a fundraiser for Perth Hospital Appeal by West Perth Fundraising Committee c1924. The badge was obtained by the donor's mother in 1924.

Historical information

After the First World War there was a period of stagnation in the construction industry of Western Australia. Already underfunded, the financial position of Perth Public Hospital was worsened when health funds were prioritised for the newer Children's Hospital and King Edward Memorial Hospital. The Perth Pubic Hospital's requests for funding were rejected by the State Government. The State Government believed that the Hospital should do more to raise its own revenue.



Registration number
Item type
30 mm
5 mm
Inscriptions and markings

Perth Hospital Appeal Patroness Lady Campion

Contextual Information

In July 1924 the Perth Hospital Board launched an appeal to raise funds for the hospital. The badge was created as part of that appeal. In 1921 the Hospital Board set up a subcommittee to organise a 'Perth Hospital Day'. Before launching the appeal the decision was made to drop the term 'Public' from the hospital's name. From November 1921 the name was simply the 'Perth Hospital'. In the 1920s fundraising absorbed a good deal of the energy of the Hospital Board. The 1924 appeal was one of numerous efforts to raise revenue.

The West Perth Fundraising Committee had a stall in Forrest Place to raise donations for the Perth Hospital. The owner of the badge, Grace Hoskin, is understood to have been one of the volunteers manning the stall.

Place made
Western Australia, Australia
Statement of significance

Historic, social and aesthetic significance. The badge illustrates the struggles of the hospital over the decades to secure funding, and public appeals to raise revenue for the hospital. It is a rare and unique object from the 1920s in excellent visual condition.

Primary significance criteria
Artistic or aesthetic significance
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Object’s condition or completeness
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
Public Location
Room 2109 Badge Cabinet
Royal Perth Hospital Museum

Royal Perth Hospital Museum

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