Biography of musician, George Sampson, from the Australian Dictionary of Biography website.
Queensland Patriotic Fund 'Grand Choral Festival' programme
1916Queensland Patriotic Fund 'Grand Choral Festival' programme from 2 September, 1916. The programme comprises a very decorative cover and twelve pages including lists of contributors and participants and several musical scores of 'National & Patriotic Airs' arranged by musician, George Sampson.
The pages are cream in colour and the cover has text and graphics in a rust red colour, with the exception of the central text which is black in colour.
The cover resembles an Honour Roll with columns on either side wrapped with leaves and scrolls listing the names of important battles in which the Australians fought. Interspersed between these names are the flags and names of the countries who fought alongside the ANZACs.
Surrounding the central black text is an oval, ribbon wrapped wreath listing further names of battles.
At the top is the Royal Crest, beneath which there are flagpoles supporting the Australian flag on the left and the Union Jack on the right. Above the crest are names of four more battles.
At the bottom, there are three illustrations. The two circular images on each side are of scenery, while the central rectangular image shows soldiers loading and firing a field gun.
Below that is the name of the final battle, and details relating to the production of the programme.
The Queensland Patriotic Fund was formed in 1900 and was responsible for raising and administering funds to provide financial and other assistance to those who were serving or had served in the armed forces of Australia, as well as offering support to their families.
During World War One, they organised fundraising activities as well as providing assistance to returned sick, wounded and disabled soldiers and their dependents. One such event was the 'Grand Choral Festival' held at the Exhibition Grounds at Brisbane on 2 September, 1916. This may have been their last hurrah, as in August 1916, all state based patriotic funds, including the Queensland Patriotic Fund were placed under the coordination of the Australian Comforts Fund.
A link is provided to the biography of George Sampson, the musician who arranged the festival.
On Cover:
National &
Patriotic Airs
George Sampson
for the
Grand Choral
Exhibition Grounds,
Saturday 2nd September, 1916."
"In aid of our
Returned wounded men
And dependents of soldiers."
"The entire proceeds of the sale
of this book will be donated
to the Patriotic Fund"
At top of programme:
"Plugge's Plateau, Chatham's Post, Abel Rahman Bair, Koja Chemin Tepe"
Around edge of programme on wreath scrolls:
"Lonesome Pine, McLagans' Ridge, Schrapnel [sic] Gully, BELGIUM, Quinn's Post, FRANCE, Pope's Post, SERVIA, Russell Top, Rhododendron Spur, Walker's Ridge"
"Aghyll Dere, Asma Dere, Sari Bair, ITALY, Table Top, RUSSIA, Gaba Tepe, JAPAN, Anzac Cove, Battle-ship Hill, Achi Baba"
On central oval wreath scrolls:
"Hell's Spit, German Off's Trench, Johnston's Jolly, Monash Gully, Wire Gully, The Farm, Courtney's Post, Dead Man's Face, Bloody Angle, The Apex, Kilid Bahr, Poppy Valley, Damaljelik Bair, 'Beachy Bill', Baby 700, Hill 60, Bauchop's Hill, Australia Valley, Little Table Top, Ari Burnu"
"P.S. Templeton, Del."
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