
The Song & Dance programme is a rectangular booklet of four pages. The front cover has the text [Armadale City Concert Band / Presents / Song & Dance / Special Guests - Heritage Country Choir] situated in front of a red silhouette of a man and woman dancing. The background colour behind the dancing couple is green and superimposed over that are musical symbols including a stave, a treble clef, and musical notes. The inside page describes some of the history of the Armadale City Concert Band and also gives a biography of the musical director, Donald Cook. Below those two paragraphs of information is a small history of the formation of the Heritage Country Choir. The next page lists the music performed at the event and the following page details the names of the members of the two performing groups. The last page is dedicated to the acknowledgements and also describes the patrons and committee of the Armadale City Concert Band. The back cover is blank and white.

Historical information

This programme was created by the Armadale City Concert Band for their Song & Dance performance of 23/10/2011. It contains a full listing of the members of the Armadale Concert City Band as well as the members of the Heritage Country Choir, who were the special guests of the performance on that day. The programme also lists some of the history of the Armadale City Concert Band.



Registration number
Item type
148 mm
Height or length
210 mm
Statement of significance

HIGH Social: This programme was distributed to the attendees of the Song & Dance event. Condition: It is a complete record of the music performed on the evening, as well as the members of the Armadale City Concert Band and also the Heritage Country Choir. Provenance: This programme was created by the Armadale City Concert Band for their Song & Dance performance of 23/10/2011.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Object’s condition or completeness
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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