The Geraldton Brewery Share Trading book
1886Commercially printed, black text, designed that when filled in, larger part of the page can be given to the recipient. Some staining to pages.
The Geraldton Brewery Company Ltd was established by J.S. Maley in partnership with D. Horwood. Had a capital of 4,000 pounds, divided into 4,000 shares of one pound each. All those shares were taken up on 1/07/1886.
David William Horwood - 500. John Stephen Maley - 500. Frederick Charles Mayer -250. Edward Shenton - 400. Peter Buseby - 180. Charles Crowther - 100. Wm Hepburn Gale - 100. George Baston - 100. James Aitken - 100. Dora Wilson - 100. Arthur E. Dean - 100. Wm B Wood - 100. John H. Smith - 100. Joshua Davis - 100. James Barratt - 100. Charles B. Elliott - 100 and so on.
no of Issue.... Folio....
The Geraldton Brewery Company (Limited)
Greenough Museum and Gardens
Greenough Museum and Gardens
Other items from Greenough Museum and Gardens
- Maley's Mill & Store receipt book
- Maley receipt book no.190214
- Greenough Flats Pigeon Club Ledger & Brasher's Diary
- Brasher's Diary 1888
- Maley's Mill Docket Book
- Greenough Flat's Steam Mill flour docket book
- A Letter to William
- "A Letter to Lizzie"
- Letter to the farmers on the Greenough Flats
- Promissory Note from John Maley to Solomon Cook
- Letter from William Grant
- Receipt for forage supplies to Greenough Police Station

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