Metro Bus Accident Loch Street Claremont


Six photographs of a bus accident in Loch Street, Claremont near Bedford Street.

Bus with white top, dark lower body and sign on side of roof [PERTH-CLAREMONT-FREMANTLE] is in the garden of a weatherboard house. It has demolished the window area of the building. Two men are looking at the damage, a small child is 'pushing' the bus and an older boy is looking on. Two bicycles are leaning against the rail of the cyclone fence behind which is a hedge.

The scene from the garden where the damaged window shade is lying on the lawn. A number of onlookers are surveying damage and planks are being placed behind bus.

Side of the bus showing the damage to the front of the house. Two men in shirt sleeves, and waistcoats partly obscure the [METRO] sign on the bus and another is lying down partly under it.

From the adjoining property, the bus partly hidden by close picket fence.

Damage to house when bus was removed.
A man stands in the hole in the wall and a man and a woman are in the garden.

The damaged house from a distance.
In the foreground shrubs and grasses partly obscure the Perth-Fremantle taxi of Herbert Foss Tonkin.

Historical information

The bus was said to have been on its way to the 'Claremont Girls High School'.



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For authorisation to reproduce, publish or display, please contact the Claremont Museum.

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Acknowledgements to be made to 'Claremont Museum 98.109'.

Claremont Museum

Claremont Museum

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Metro Bus Accident Loch Street Claremont
Metro Bus Accident Loch Street Claremont
Source: Claremont Museum 98.109a
Metro Bus Accident Loch Street Claremont
Metro Bus Accident Loch Street Claremont
Source: Claremont Museum 98.109b
Metro Bus Accident Loch Street Claremont
Metro Bus Accident Loch Street Claremont
Source: Claremont Museum 98.109c
Metro Bus Accident Loch Street Claremont
Metro Bus Accident Loch Street Claremont
Source: Claremont Museum 98.109d
Metro Bus Accident Loch Street Claremont
Metro Bus Accident Loch Street Claremont
Source: Claremont Museum 98.109e
Metro Bus Accident Loch Street Claremont
Metro Bus Accident Loch Street Claremont
Source: Claremont Museum 98.109f

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