Bus And Taxi Rank St Georges Terrace Perth
Three buses and three cars standing in St Georges Terrace. Two Emu Bus Service and one Blue Bus Service. On the left is a tree. In the background is a multi-storey building with [DALGETY'S MOTOR GARAGE] on the wall.
Copyright and Reference
Copyright and Reference
Acknowledgements to be made to 'Claremont Museum 98.116'.
Other items from Claremont Museum
- Tram Derailment At Crawley Bay
- Trucks At The Claremont Council Depot
- Trucks At The Claremont Council Depot
- Trucks At The Claremont Council Depot
- JH Davies And Family
- House Ruin At Butler's Swamp
- Butler's Swamp From Alfred Road
- Butler's Swamp During Conversion To Lake Claremont
- Looking South Across Butler's Swamp
- Butler's Swamp From Alfred Road
- Old Roadway Through Butler's Swamp
- Infilling Butler's Swamp To Form Lake Claremont

Source: Claremont Museum 98.116
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