Metro Bus Accident Loch Street Claremont
Three men in work clothes standing in front of a dark bus with [METRO] on the side, dark side curtains and top, and a tow rope attached to another bus which is being towed away after an accident in Loch Street. The second bus has [METRO] on the side beneath light window frames and top. Behind the second bus is an open tourer style taxi. Fence and electricity poles are at the side of the road and there are large
Tuart trees in the background.
In 1926, a group of charabanc owners joined together to form Metropolitan Omnibus Company (Metro Buses Ltd). They progressively replaced their charbancs and early model buses with new Leyland units, running via Loch Street, Railway Road and Nicholson Road. To compete with cheap railway fares, Metro introduced cheaper fares and pruned costs rather than lose patrons. In 1933, Metro proposed that they be allowed to install a trolley bus service between Perth and Fremantle in lieu of petrol buses. It was rejected by the government. From September 1934 to January 1935, Metro negotiated with Alpine Parlour Cars to purchase goodwill of all of their 88 taxis. They came together to set up Perth - Fremantle Omnibus Company.
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Acknowledgements to be made to 'Claremont Museum 98.105'.
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Source: Claremont Museum 98.105
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