Interior of Katanning Town Hall

c. 1945 - 1950

This is a black and white photo of a group of people seated inside the Katanning Town Hall. There are people seated in the top gallery of the hall. The men are dressed in suits, the women are dressed in mid calf length dresses and most are wearing hats. The flags of the countries Russia, America, Britain, Australia and Republic of China (Taiwan) are hanging from the gallery.

Historical information

The building is the Katanning Town Hall.



Registration number
Item type
44.2000 cm
Height or length
37.5000 cm
Inscriptions and markings

On the white cardboard in the bottom right hand corner is a stamp with the words "by Sivyer's 106 William ST Perth WA B8677".

On the back of the photograph hand written in pencil is "C 1945-1950 Front row left of vacant chairs - Mr & Mrs Fred Rogers. To left of aisle - Mr & Mrs Cuthbert Ball, Mr & Mrs W. Beeck by vacant chair.
To right of aisle - Mr & Mrs Edward Piesse, Mr & Mrs Monty Balston".


Please contact the Katanning Historical Society for reproduction of image.

Attribution requirements

Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.

Katanning Historical Society

Katanning Historical Society

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Interior of Katanning Town Hall
Interior of Katanning Town Hall

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