Subiaco Museum > Records



Black and white photograph of U.S.A. Naval Air Force headquarters, Catalina Base, Matilda Bay Crawley.
A brick and weatherboard building, with a tiled roof is seen at the centre left of the image, with a lesser, weatherboard and tile bulding, standing to the right. Double doors are seen at centre front of the larger building, with a white sign that reads 'U.S. NAVAL AIR FORCE' above. A flagpole flying a U.S.A flag is seen on the rood of the larger bulding. Bike racks stand at the front left side of the larger building, and a fence like structure is seen to the right. The Matilda Bay and South Perth shoreline is visible in the distance.

Historical information

The US Catalina base occupied the Matilda Bay foreshore. A separate Catalina base used by Qantas operated from the south bank of Pelican Point, Crawley during the same period, flying to Sri Lanka (Ceylon) after the fall of Singapore to the Japanese.



Registration number
Item type
175 mm
Height or length
125 mm
Statement of significance

historical significance - military, political, social and cultural history

Subiaco Museum

Subiaco Museum

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