
Smooth rock, roughly rectangular. Top of rock has a hand drawn picture in permanent marker. The picture appears to be a green dragon with four legs and two wings, facing to the right.

There is a red sun in top left corner. The bottom of the rock is blank.

Historical information

This rock was found by the curator in the east end of HHM in the garden by the church on Monday morning, it is part of a social movement where families paint and hide or go searching for these rocks.
An example of a social activity based around families either creating the rocks and then hiding them in public places for others to find or going out together and searching for the rocks. Social media plays a big part in letting people know where the rocks are and when they have been found.



Registration number
Item type
4.9000 cm
Height or length
4.7000 cm
Statement of significance

The rock was found by the curator in the east end of HHM in the garden by the church, it is part of a social movement where families paint and hide or go searching for these rocks.
This an example of a social activity based around families either creating the rocks and then hiding them in public places for others to find or going out together and searching for the rocks. Social media plays a big part in letting people know where the rocks are and when they have been found.

Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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