Wanderers Football Club


A sepia photograph of Wanderers Football Club players and officials, the photograph is on beige card. There are three rows of men in uniform along with the president, secretary, trainer and patron of the club, and two players and a young boy sitting in the front. The team players are dressed in a jersey shirt with a dark 'V' on the front and across the chest, a dark collar and white shorts, the socks also have a dark rim at the top. The officials are dressed in formal suits and ties.

Historical information

A black and white photograph of Wanderers Football Team who were premiers in 1953.



Registration number
Item type
30.2000 cm
Height or length
25.6000 cm
Inscriptions and markings

At the top of the photograph written in black lettering is 'Wanderers Football Club' and below this 'Premiers 1953'

At the bottom right of the photograph in black lettering is written : 'Katanning Studio'
Below this inscription in black lettering is written:
'Front Row, (l. to r.) : A. Bruce (Trainer), W. Noonan, A. Voss, D. Mitter, B. Coventry, P. Brown,
A. Quartermaine, P. Perry, W. White (Secretary).
Middle Row : W. Haddleton (Coach), J. Caldwell, K. Battersby, F. Quartermaine, J. Webb, R. Mills, W. Porter, R. Quartermaine, B. Bailey, L. Dowling (President).
Front Row: L. Mosscrop, N. Giles, E. Quartermaine (V-Capt.), K. Turner (Patron), K. Robertson (Capt.), L. Edwards, G. Melvin.
Front : A. Reynolds, Billy Haddleton (Mascot), A. Leach Absent : L. Wanke, C. Brown, J. Green, G. Burkett.

Statement of significance

Please contact the Katanning Historical Society for reproduction of image or for access to a higher resolution image.

Attribution requirements

Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.

Katanning Historical Society

Katanning Historical Society

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Wanderers Football Club Premiers 1953
Wanderers Football Club Premiers 1953

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