
This finely embroidered sampler from circa 1810 was stitched in England by Agnus Burrell aged 12 years, a distant relative of the donor’s family. The evenweven linen 32 threads per inch, is extremely fine, worked in cotton and silk threads.
The embroidered verse: “Are not the ravens fed great God by thee
And will he cloth the LiLLies and not me
Ill neer distrust my God for cloaths and Bread
Whilst LiLLies flourish and the ravens feed.”
Under the verse: “William Burrell Elisbath McDonald Agness Burrell AGE 12 HB MB”
The rows of the alphabet are worked in different font styles, including Old English Script. In rows 2, 4 and 8, the upper case alphabet has the letters ‘J’ and “U” missing which was typical of the period. In row 10, ‘J’ is missing.
See notes with full description and family tree.



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Embroiderers' Guild of WA

Embroiderers' Guild of WA

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