"The Seventh Day Adventists are busily engaged with the erection of of their new church, and by the time winter is over Capel will boast of two additional public buildings."
Seventh Day Adventist Church Capel
1924Black and white image of thirteen adults and children standing in a group, in semi-formal dress. A weatherboard building on stumps with a high peaked roof fills the right side of the picture. The background consists of natural woodlands.
The first Adventist church in Capel was dedicated by Pastor W. Baker in 1910.
Written on verso of image:
S.D.A. Church Capel
Congregational Service
Front: Ken and Allen Prowse, Vida Merritt, Mrs Merritt, Miss Walker, Ken Prowse, Mrs & Mrs Jordan.
B-row: Mr Maidment, Minister JW(?) Moorhouse, Mrs Maidment, Mr B.W. Prowse, Eileen Maidment.
Other items from Shire of Capel
- William Charles Maidment and guests on his 70th Birthday
- Joe Upson and friends in front of Upson's Store, Capel
- George & Harriet Dunkley with family
- Capel Saleyards, Forrest Road Capel
- Capel Football Club team photo 1947
- Capel River Tennis Club
- Old Boyanup School
- Order of Australia Investiture of Jack Kitchen at Government House
- John Richard (Joe) Strong and family
- Former Councillor and Shire President Bill Scott receiving honor from Capel CEO Peter Strugnell
- Capel Cricket Club 1956 team photo
- Margaret Smith and dog