WA Week Celebration Cake 1978



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WA Week Celebration Cake 1978
L-R Mrs Rona Haywood (General Secretary) & Mrs Wendy Folvig (State Editor) admiring a cake made and donated for WA Week Council.
Community Involvement Section.
West Australian Newspaper photograph.
Information from the June 1978 Countrywoman Magazine; Twenty-four cakes are ready to be arranged into
the W.A. logo and iced by Miss Bateman for the W.A. Week Dinner, They all smelled delicious. Mrs Morell was also mentioned in the July magazine as helping ice the cake.
This is from State President Mrs Pat Smeeton's report to the July magazine; The W.A. Week Dinner at Government House was really delightful ? a friendly and happy gathering, with Lady Kyle cutting 'our' cake. Only one woman among the five recipients of the 'Citizen of the Year Awards', but they are all outstanding Western Australians. The guest speaker was our own Raigh Roe, who looked charming in a pink gown
fashioned by Mrs. Marchesi's nimble fingers, a crochet hook and the necessary wool. It goes without saying that Mrs. Roe's speech was excellent.
Wendy Folvig's Editorial in the May1978 Countrywoman is of interest re CWA being asked to make the cake. Maybe 1978 was the first year the Association was asked.
Information updated to this image by Pam Batten May 2020.

Country Women's Association of WA

Country Women's Association of WA

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WA Week Celebration Cake 1978
WA Week Celebration Cake 1978

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