3 black& white photos 8x10 - Pioneer Women's Memorial Dedication & Australia Day Service 1977 & 1979 - King's Park.

1968 - 1979


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Photo No 1: At CWA Conference in 1962 - Applecross branch successfully moved 'That an endeavour be made to establish a memorial to Pioneer women of WA'. CWA of WA was instrumental in forming an independent committee from 28 women's organisations. It was finally decided that a memorial fountain be erected in King's Park. On 16 January 1968 the fountain which comprised a bronze figure of a woman with a child in her arms posed on a stepping stone, in a pool surrounded by life giving water, from ever changing fountains and jets was officially opened. The sculpture was created by Margaret Priest. More information attached to Accession No 1912.

Photo No 2: The first CWA Australia Day Service to be held at the Pioneer Women's Memorial in Kings Park was held on the 31st January 1977. About 100 people attended.

Photo No 3: Australia Day Service Kings Park 1979. View of crowd with fountain spraying in foreground.

In 1994, the Federal Government legislated that Australia Day would be a Public Holiday on the 26th January each year. CWA State Choir in front of Pioneer Memorial Foundation West Australian Newspaper Photograph.

Over 800 people attended this CWA Australia Day Service at the Pioneer Women's Memorial in Kings Park on the 29th January 1979. West Australian Newspaper photograph.

Country Women's Association of WA

Country Women's Association of WA

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No 1 Australia Day Service Kings Park 1968
No 1 Australia Day Service Kings Park 1968
No 2 Australia Day Service Kings Park 1979
No 2 Australia Day Service Kings Park 1979
No 3 Australia Day Service Kings Park 1979
No 3 Australia Day Service Kings Park 1979

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