c. 1938

Oval / tear drop cloth pot holder. Back is pink, front top half is pink, bottom half blue cloth. Edge sewn with ornate yellow stitching. A brown basket with pink and yellow flowers has been stitched onto the blue part. Yellow cotton hook attached at top.

Historical information

Patricia Glew was born at King Edward Memorial Hospital in Subiaco in 1926. The Glew family lived in Armadale so as a child Patricia would have attended the Armadale State School on Third Road until 1938 when she transferred to the recently opened St Francis Xavier Catholic School. While attending both schools Patricia would have been taught sewing. This sewing sample is one of the projects she would have worked on in class in the 1930s or early 1940s.



Registration number
Item type
107 mm
Height or length
158 mm
Statement of significance

This item is part of a collection that tells the story of going to school in the City of Armadale from the late 1800s through to modern day. The collection aims to show how these experiences have either changed or stayed the same over time. The collection is also part of a wider collection that focuses on the stories and experiences of how children have grown up in the City of Armadale.

Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Object’s condition or completeness
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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