Promissory note from J. Jackson


Hand written note on scrap of pink lined grey paper. Insect damage to right side.

Historical information

John Jackson was a farmer on the Back Flats at Greenough.
Edward Aggain (1824-?) was a farm labourer charged in 1858 with feloniously assaulting & ravishing Elizabeth Reavely (13 years, his step-daughter). He was imprisoned for life and transported to WA on the Palmerston, arriving in Fremantle on 11/02/1861 (convict no.5717).



Registration number
Item type
155 mm
Height or length
91 mm
1 mm
Inscriptions and markings

Greenough Flats March 13th/66
Mr J Maley please to let Ed--- Again have two pounds tw--- worth of stores an you w----- oblige
Jhon Jackson X
Entd 29/5/66 V Trew

Contextual Information

This is the only note we have in the archives that mentions Edward Aggain, thus providing evidence he worked at Greenough.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Scientific or research significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
Greenough Museum and Gardens

Greenough Museum and Gardens

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Promissory note from J. Jackson
Promissory note from J. Jackson for Edward Aggain

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