1995The 1995 Players' Revue featured several acts presented by MGGC members and relations. The album was provided by the Palmer family (Laurie and Rosa).
The photographs capture some of the acts and outfits.
The album itself is titled “Players Revue 1995” and a scan of the cover appears as the first image. Some of the contents have not been scanned where they duplicate other images.
A - The Judges
Judges for the night were Peter Castley, Peter Doherty and Robbie Taylor as they appear (left to right) in attachment number 1. They all appear in a variety of evangelical attire.
Photograph attachments 1 to 7
B - Master of Ceremonies Kevin Atkins
1994 Director of House Kevin Atkins appeared in several different jackets during the night. He appears to have performed the Master of Ceremonies role.
Photograph attachments 8 to 12
C - Unknown Act - most names not known
Photographs 13 to 15
Photograph 14 - on left is Mike Petkovich's wife Irene.
D - Gendarme Duet - Richard Teuchert and Max Hannah (left and right on stage)
Photograph attachment 16 (hardcopy original not yet been located)
E - Blues Brothers - Gary Cooper and Brian McCaffrey
Photograph attachment 17 (hardcopy original not yet been located)
F - Rocky Horror Show - Time Warp Song
Photographs 18 to 27
Photograph 18 – Mike Petkovich at front of stage leading the dancing. Left to right: Irene Petkovich, Joan Rann in black outfit and white apron, Karyn Mears, Russell Bailey
Photograph 19 – Mike Petkovich with Trish Ditz, George Kirby standing on table on the left
Photograph 21 - same people as in previous, man, second from left, unknown
Photograph 22 & 23 – Mike Petkovich greeting Ron Williamson and his wife Kaye
Photograph 26 – Russell Bailey dressed as Dr. Frank-N-Furter (wearing sequined corset and stockings)
G - Audience
Photograph 28
H - Unidentified Acts
Photographs 29 to 30 - Gary Cooper's wife, name unknown appears in 29
I - Ian Mears as British comedian Frank Spencer
Ian’s act as Frank Spencer won the night. In the act he mocked the characters of several club members. Perhaps appropriately, a picture of Queen Elizabeth appears on the wall behind the stage for his act.
Photographs 31 to 34
J - Unidentified Acts
Photograph 35 – Ron Shuard
Photograph 36 – Ron Hendrie and Ron Shuard
Photograph 37 – Ron Williamson and Ron Shuard
Perhaps the Three Ronnies, a take on the Two Ronnies British comedy?
Cub member Terry McCall was known to have taken the photographs titled Judges (three sitting together with Hole in One honour board behind them), Gendarme Duet, and Blues Brothers. It is likely, but not known if he also took the rest of the photographs in the album.
None of the photographs were identified in the album itself. The identification has been completed with the assistance of members Max Hannah, Margaret O’Brien, Peter Doherty, Ian Mears and Mike Petkovich.
Melville Glades Golf Club
Melville Glades Golf Club
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