Princess Dining Rooms & Royalty Greengrocer, Bay View Terrace


Front of 2 shops on Bay View Terrace Claremont, showing facade of building, verandahs and display windows. Two shop assistants on kerbside. Mary (Polly) Carter on right. Brick and cement facade, bullnosed verandah, facias with signwriting and rolled blinds. Princess Tearooms on left. Double fronted shop with sign [ss DINING ROOMS/ NTAIN DRINKS & ICES]. On border at bottom of left window [THE PRINCESS]. Lower right window [TEA ROOMS]. Man entering shop door. Royalty Greengrocers on right with sign [FRUITERER & GREENGROC]. On lower left window [FRESH VEGETABLES / DAILY]. On upper right window [ROYALTY / FRUIT]. Lower right window [CHOICEST FRUIT / CITY PRICES]. Standing on footpath under verandah are two female shop assistants (Mary Carter on right) in long sleeved light blouses, dark tie at neck and dark skirts and stockings.

Historical information

Shops were on south side of the Picture Theatre (shown top left) on east side of Bay View Terrace and facade still exista as of 2000.



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Princess Dining Rooms & Royalty Greengrocer, Bay View Terrace
Princess Dining Rooms & Royalty Greengrocer, Bay View Terrace
Mary Carter (right)
Source: Claremont Museum 98.242

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