Shire of Capel > Records

Lang's Tuart Mill 1908 workers cutting logs


Black and white photograph of timber workers cutting logs for transportation.

Historical information

Edward (Ted) and Will Lang purchased Governer Hutt's old Location 46 adjoining the tuart forest in the 1890s. There they built a steam-driven timber mill. Much of their timber was purchased by the government for use as railway sleepers.



Registration number
Item type
14 cm
Height or length
9 cm
Inscriptions and markings

The photo is accompanied by a list of names.
L to R: Dave Farley, Fred Harris, Tom McTaggart, Bob Cross, W.H. Lang, Charlie Reynolds with horse.

Place made
Shire of Capel, Western Australia, Australia
Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Public Location
Ron Maidment Archives, Capel Library
Shire of Capel

Shire of Capel

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Timber workers

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