Letter from G. Marchetti


sheet of paper with hand writing on both sides

Historical information

Giovanni Marchetti (1833-97) was an Italian convicted of manslaughter at Liverpool and transported to Western Australia in 1856 (no.4042). He married Rosa Mary Ainsworth (1847-90) at Toodyay in 1861 and moved to Greenough where he took up farming on the Back Flats.
William King (c1830-69) was a farmer on the Back Flats at Greenough.
Valentine Trew (convict no. 6753) worked as a store-keeper for John S. Maley at Greenough.



Registration number
Item type
110 mm
Height or length
172 mm
Inscriptions and markings

On front - Greenough Flats Sept 2nd/68
Mr Maley pleas to pay to William King or bearer the sum of 4£in Flour or Pollard for ten pigs bought from him by G. Marchetti
Providing this order be signed on the back by my mistress
G. Marchetti
Entd 8/9/68 V Trew
On back - 2 Sept 68 G. Marchetti Order Flour King Pig a/c
& signed R M Marchetti

Contextual Information

Of the 20 notes from Giovanni Marchetti in the collection, this is the only one requiring counter-signing by his wife.

Primary significance criteria
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
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Object’s condition or completeness
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
Greenough Museum and Gardens

Greenough Museum and Gardens

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Letter from G. Marchetti
Letter from G. Marchetti 2/09/1868

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