Promissory note from John Bridge


hand written note on a scrap of blue paper

Historical information

John Bridge (1822-84) was a shoemaker convicted of robbery with violence and sent to Western Australia in 1854 (no.2664).
George Osborn (1834-?) was also a shoemaker convicted of uttering forged notes and sent to Western Australia in 1864 (no.7812). He returned to England in 1876.



Registration number
Item type
102 mm
Height or length
198 mm
Inscriptions and markings

October 17th
Mr Maley
Please pay george osborne 10 shillings and place the same to my account
John Brige
Entd 17/10/68 V Trew

Contextual Information

This note provides evidence of the scarcity of writing paper at Greenough at that time. It is also the only record in the archives that shows Bridge was working at Greenough.

Place made
Western Australia, Australia
Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
Greenough Museum and Gardens

Greenough Museum and Gardens

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Promissory note from John Bridge
Promissory note for George Osborn from John Bridge

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