Promissory note from S. Clifton


hand written note on paper.

Historical information

The writer of the note, Stephen Clifton (1832-1900) was convicted of firing a barn and sentenced for 10 years. He came to WA in 1852 on the Marion (convict no. 1003). By the 1860s he was farming at Greenough.
William Ashford (1827-1873) had multiple convictions and was sent to WA in 1863 on the Clyde (convict no. 7003). By 1863 he was working in Champion Bay.
Valentine Trew (1838-1931) was a ticket-of-leave man (convict no. 6753) working as a clerk for John S. Maley at Greenough.



Registration number
Item type
177 mm
Height or length
108 mm
1 mm
Inscriptions and markings

Greenough Flats Sept 22nd /68
Mr Maley Sir - will you please let W. Ashford have to the amount of 18/- in stores and place the same to my account
S. Clifton
Entd 22/9/68 V Trew

Contextual Information

This is the only note in the Maley Mill & Store archives from Stephen Clifton.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
Greenough Museum and Gardens

Greenough Museum and Gardens

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Promissory note from S. Clifton
Promissory note for William Ashford from Stephen Clifton

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