Promissory Note from Robert James Brockman
1868hand-written note on paper, one punched hole.
Robert James Brockman (1812-97) had a farm on the Back Flats at Greenough.
William Doyle (1829-1905) was an expiree who went on to become a farmer at Greenough. His property adjoined Brockmans.
Flats Nov 27th 1868
Mr. J. Maley
Please to let W. Doyle have one pounds worth goods on my a/c
Robt. Jas. Brockman
Entd 28/11/68 V Trew
Greenough Museum and Gardens
Greenough Museum and Gardens
Other items from Greenough Museum and Gardens
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- Promissory note from Edward Ridley
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- Order for turpentine from William Stokes
- Store order from Joseph Fogarty
- Note from M.A. Pearson
- Government order for salt pork
- note from Olivia Whitehead
- Store order from Robert Whitehead
- Letter from J. Williams, Willowgully
- Store order from Luke Bunter
- Order for pain killer from John Simpson
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