Subiaco Museum > Records



Edwardian style dress. Bodice and sleeves of tucked silk net. Wide lace at upper bodices fuses to a boned fitting neckline.Two panels of lace come down from this in a V-shape to the waist with a small tucked net panel between, trimmed with 12 burgundy buttons. Skirt net is tucked to hip level and has two panels of lace on each side of skirt front to hip level. Sleeves are 3/4 length, ending in a band of lace and frilled net trim. A frill of net also outlines the V-panel on the bodice. The entire dress is lined in silk. The dress belonged to Miss Russell's mother who, as Miss Mary Gibbings, had it made for the visit of the Duke and Duchess of York in 1901.

Historical information

This dress was donated by Ms Russell, whose mother, as Miss Mary Gibbings, wore it for the visit of the Duke and Duchess of York in 1901.



Registration number
Item type
Statement of significance

Fashion history. Example of dress made in Edwardian style.

Subiaco Museum

Subiaco Museum

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