Water Ballet, Claremont Baths
1948Four photographs of water ballet at the Claremont Baths.
Girls in two lines of six, floating on their backs with their arms outstretched. End of diving board in the foreground.
Girls floating on their backs in a circle with feet touching in the centre.
Girls floating on backs in a wheel formation. Four with feet touching in centre forming hub and another 8 spaced around them like spokes.
Team on their backs in a line kicking their way down length of the baths. Spectators in background.
Photographs appear to have been taken from the 10 foot diving platform on the southern side of the Boys Baths.
Copyright and Reference
Copyright and Reference
Acknowledgements to be made to 'Claremont Museum 05.32'.

Claremont Baths
Source: Claremont Museum 05.32c

Claremont Baths
Source: Claremont Museum 05.32b

Claremont Baths
Source: Claremont Museum 05.32a

Claremont Baths
Source: Claremont Museum 05.32d
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