
Studio photographic portrait on glass of a couple, man is standing behind woman who is seated with her left arm resting on a set of drawers.
The glass has a a series of cracks, emanating from an impact site at the top of the woman's head (right top quadrant). The main crack runs diagonally from the top right of the portrait to the middle left. Some small segments of glass are missing.
The woman is wearing what seems to be a dark coloured, long-sleeved top over a full length matching dark skirt with horizontal bands of braiding across. She has an open book on her lap.
The man is standing to the rear of the woman, and to the left side of the photograph. He has a dark coloured double breasted jacket and matching trousers. His left hand is hidden behind the shoulder of the woman: possibly it is resing in a pocket.
Card mount for glass photograph is wrapped separately.
Frame is missing.

Historical information

This portrait was discovered in the photocopy files of photographs at Battye Library with the ref. no. 6787B. Labelled James and Jane McDermott Snr.
The damage is obvious and identifies it clearly as this object.
This was discussed with Battye staff in the early 2000s by the museum curator who was told that c1980 the Battye made an appeal for copying historic photos and many were loaned for copying. It would appear this was one such example. It has therefore been broken since c1980.



Registration number
Item type
Contextual Information

According to the WA Dictionary of Western Australians no James was married to a Jane, but one James , b 1835, son of James and Elizabeth Ann nee Turner was married to a Hannah Jane Cooley [see p 1955, Wa Dict vol 3].
From the age of the subjects and dress, it is likely that this was taken early 1880s - they returned from USA c1867 and she died 1888."

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Shire of Toodyay

Shire of Toodyay

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