
A black plastic video cassette FUJI VHS. It has two clear plastic panels to view the inner tape which runs from one spool to the other. The top insert is light brown with instructions to use in white letters. A label on the front has the title [The ARMADALE / FOOTHILLS] and the production company's label [BIG RED] along with copyright information.

The spine also has text on a cream label.

Historical information

This artefact was used by the donor Tony Crickmore whenever his relations visited from the United Kingdom, and also to his children to show how the area used to be when he first moved to the area.

Originally purchased as a gift to be sent back to family in the United Kingdom, Tony decided to keep it.

The video provides footage of what the Armadale and surrounding areas looked like in the mid-1980s before urban redevelopment. Many of the locations and organisations featured in the videotape and on the cover have since either ceased or altered operations, or in the case of buildings, been demolished.



Registration number
100 mm
Height or length
190 mm
30 mm
Statement of significance

This video case contains images of the City of Armadale during the mid-1980s on its cover. The featured images on the front of the case are of the Narrogin Inn and Jull Street and the back contains a map of the local region of building and areas of interest.

Originally bought as a souvenir when the donor first moved to the area to show family members in the United Kingdom what the area was like.

Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Well provenanced
City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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