Early History of Moojebing


Seven pages of handwritten information on the early settlers of the district of Moojebing.

Historical information

Family names mentioned are Quartermaine, Gillam, Hanna, Haddleton, McKenna, Blackburn, Bradbury, Andrews, Piesse, Wanke, Smith, Day, Filmer, Beeck, Garstone, Higgins, Maley, Stewart, Baker, Brefor, Newton, Severin, Wilcox, Trimmer, Nelson, Farrell, Oxley, Cronin, Cuneeen, Bell, Prosser, Wells, Harvey, Pemble, Cleverley, Tillon, Pitlslkow, Hoggan and Carter.
The document also details some early stories about Noongar burial rituals, the dates of the building of the Moojebing hall and hotel as well as the opening of the store and the Post Office. The use of the hall as as school and the first teacher.



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20 cm
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33.5000 cm
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Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.

Katanning Historical Society

Katanning Historical Society

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Early history of Moojebing.
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