Moojebing Football Club


A sepia photograph of a group of young men dressed in long shirts, knee length shorts, long socks and boots. The men are mostly wearing caps however there are two men wearing wide brimmed hats. Three of the men are wearing jerseys with a St George's Cross on the front. In the front row, the man wearing all white clothing is holding a football.

Historical information

Job Francis Haddleton was a founding member of the Moojebing Football Club in 1904 and Moojebing won its first premiership in 1906.



Registration number
Item type
53.5000 cm
Height or length
46 cm
2 cm
Inscriptions and markings

Above the photograph on a white label typed in black is 'Top Row Standing: W. Ring, G. Wreford, S. Farmer, G. Quartermaine, J. Strickland, T. Davis, S. Stewart, A. Wreford, W. Smith, J. Quartermaine.
Middle Row Sitting: J. Haddleton, A. Haddleton, C Stewart, J Cuneen, L. Quartermaine, E. Lowther.
Front Row: W. Haddleton, J. Hancock, S. Quartermaine, T. Cornelious, S. Manton, L Lunt.'

Below the photograph on a faded beige label is written in black ink 'PRESENTED TO MR. JOB HADDLETON, AS A TOKEN OF RESPECT, BY THE MOOJEBING F.B.C., 1906'

Public Location

Please contact the Katanning Historical Society for reproduction of image or for access to a higher resolution image.

Attribution requirements

Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.

Katanning Historical Society

Katanning Historical Society

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Moojebing Football Club
Moojebing Football Club
Detail of Moojebing Football Club Photograph
Detail of Moojebing Football Club Photograph

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