1986Three General Meetings were held in 1986.
The Annual General Meeting was conducted on 27th March.
Prior to the meeting a Motion that was presented on notice was considered to amend the Constitution to allow the appointment of Directors for a period of two years and their election to occur on a rotational basis. After discussion the motion was approved.
The President then introduced the new Executive Officer, Jeffery Wildy. The proceedings of the meeting included:
- As part of the receipt of accounts, the President explained the misappropriation of club funds totalling $56,436 which was followed by various questions and answers.
- Reports from the immediate past President, President and Treasurer were accepted.
- N. Ganfield proposed a motion that the club’s Directors should prepare a written job description and plan of aims and objectives for the next 12 months. The motion was discussed and then approved.
- General Business covering a broad range of topics.
A Special General Meeting was called for 25th September to consider a motion and supporting petition by Des Shave that “ … the Director of Course to implement the planting of kikuyu grass on all fairways …”. Documents on file associated with the meeting include a report from the course Curator detailing his program for fairway grass management. The meeting was also attended by external experts of grass management. The proceedings involved almost four hours of intensive debate before the original motion by Des Shave was put and lost.
The General Meeting on 27th November was called to:
- elect two Directors (House and Course)
- set the fees for the following year
- address a motion by P. O’Meara to amend the dress regulations to allow men to wear sports socks not necessarily of knee height
The first two items were addressed and approved but due to the absence of Mr O’Meara at the meeting the dress motion lapsed.
General Business discussed various items including a plan to plant wintergreen couch on several fairways in December. The Director of Course invited members to view a sample plot that had been planted 6 weeks previously.
The President presented information to members regarding the recovery of monies from former employee, L. D. Grigg.
The minutes have been scanned from the hardcopy book covering the period 1986 to 1995 (Item 2023.95).
Melville Glades Golf Club
Melville Glades Golf Club
Related Topics
Topic | Association | Dates |
Fairway Grass | Motion to grow kikuyu grass | 1986 |
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